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Prices updated 54 seconds ago

Historical coins

By weight
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Austria 4 ducats obverse default In Stock

Austrian Franz Joseph 4 Ducats

We sell We buy Spread
517 437 ft 482 331 ft 6.78%
We sell 517 437 ft 482331 482331 517437 517437
We buy 482 331ft
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Austrian_ducat_gold_coin_obverse_Tavex In Stock

Austrian 1 Ducat gold coin

We sell We buy Spread
135 345 ft 121 116 ft 10.51%
We sell 135 345 ft 121116 121116 135345 135345
We buy 121 116ft
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French_Marianne_Rooster_gold_coin_Tavex In Stock

French 20 Francs Marianne

We sell We buy Spread
220 294 ft 203 385 ft 7.68%
We sell 220 294 ft 203385 203385 220294 220294
We buy 203 385ft
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Historical Great Britain Sovereign gold coin available for purchase In Stock

Great Britain Gold Sovereigns Edward VII

We sell We buy Spread
288 393 ft 257 279 ft 10.79%
We sell 288 393 ft 257279 257279 288393 288393
We buy 257 279ft
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Gold british sovereign In Stock

Great Britain Gold Sovereigns George V

We sell We buy Spread
284 425 ft 257 279 ft 9.54%
We sell 284 425 ft 257279 257279 284425 284425
We buy 257 279ft
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buy historical gold coins from Tavex Out of stock

Hungarian Franz Joseph 20 Franc/8 Forint

We sell We buy
- 209 675 ft
209675 209675 252814 252814
We buy 209 675ft
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sweiss_vreneli_gold_coin_Tavex Out of stock

Swiss Helvetia 20 Francs

We sell We buy
- 205 481 ft
205481 205481 225749 225749
We buy 205 481ft
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