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Prices updated 4 minutes ago

Gold bars

By weight
By country
By stock
1oz-Argor-Heraeus-Gold-Bar-front-blister In Stock

1 oz Argor-Heraeus Gold Bar

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 1 174 860 ft 1 125 838 ft 4.17%
5+ 1 173 715 ft 1 125 838 ft 4.08%
10+ 1 172 570 ft 1 125 838 ft 3.99%
We sell 1 174 860 ft 1125838 1125838 1125838 1125838 1125838 1125838 1174860 1174860 1173715 1173715 1172570 1172570
We buy 1 125 838ft
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Obverse of 50 gram Argor-Heraeus gold bar In Stock

50 gram Argor-Heraeus Gold Bar

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 1 880 352 ft 1 811 670 ft 3.65%
5+ 1 879 431 ft 1 811 670 ft 3.61%
10+ 1 877 590 ft 1 811 670 ft 3.51%
We sell 1 880 352 ft 1811670 1811670 1811670 1811670 1811670 1811670 1880352 1880352 1879431 1879431 1877590 1877590
We buy 1 811 670ft
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Obverse of 100 gram Valcambi Suisse Gold Bars In Stock

100 gram Valcambi Suisse Gold Bars

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 3 755 169 ft 3 617 807 ft 3.66%
5+ 3 751 488 ft 3 617 807 ft 3.56%
10+ 3 749 647 ft 3 617 807 ft 3.52%
We sell 3 755 169 ft 3617807 3617807 3617807 3617807 3617807 3617807 3755169 3755169 3751488 3751488 3749647 3749647
We buy 3 617 807ft
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Obverse of 100 gram Argor-Heraeus gold bar In Stock

100 gram Argor-Heraeus Gold Bar

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 3 751 488 ft 3 617 807 ft 3.56%
5+ 3 749 647 ft 3 617 807 ft 3.52%
10+ 3 747 806 ft 3 617 807 ft 3.47%
We sell 3 751 488 ft 3617807 3617807 3617807 3617807 3617807 3617807 3751488 3751488 3749647 3749647 3747806 3747806
We buy 3 617 807ft
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20g-Argor-Heraeus-Gold-Bar-front-blister In Stock

20 gram Argor-Heraeus Gold Bar

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 759 865 ft 725 029 ft 4.58%
5+ 759 128 ft 725 029 ft 4.49%
10+ 758 392 ft 725 029 ft 4.40%
We sell 759 865 ft 725029 725029 725029 725029 725029 725029 759865 759865 759128 759128 758392 758392
We buy 725 029ft
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10g-Argor-Heraeus-Gold-Bar-front-blister In Stock

10 gram Argor-Heraeus Gold Bar

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 386 565 ft 361 784 ft 6.41%
5+ 386 013 ft 361 784 ft 6.28%
10+ 385 461 ft 361 784 ft 6.14%
We sell 386 565 ft 361784 361784 361784 361784 361784 361784 386565 386565 386013 386013 385461 385461
We buy 361 784ft
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The 10 g mint gold bar is manufactured by Valcambi, Switzerland's largest precious metals foundry In Stock

10 gram Valcambi Suisse Gold Bars

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 387 486 ft 361 784 ft 6.63%
5+ 386 565 ft 361 784 ft 6.41%
10+ 386 013 ft 361 784 ft 6.28%
We sell 387 486 ft 361784 361784 361784 361784 361784 361784 387486 387486 386565 386565 386013 386013
We buy 361 784ft
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10 gram PAMP gold bar depicts the Roman Goddess of Fortune In Stock

10 gram PAMP Fortuna Gold Bars

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 395 769 ft 362 152 ft 8.49%
5+ 393 928 ft 362 152 ft 8.07%
10+ 392 087 ft 362 152 ft 7.63%
We sell 395 769 ft 362152 362152 362152 362152 362152 362152 395769 395769 393928 393928 392087 392087
We buy 362 152ft
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valcambi 5 gram gold bar In Stock

5 gram Valcambi Suisse Gold Bars

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 197 142 ft 184 015 ft 6.66%
5+ 196 774 ft 184 015 ft 6.48%
10+ 196 222 ft 184 015 ft 6.22%
We sell 197 142 ft 184015 184015 184015 184015 184015 184015 197142 197142 196774 196774 196222 196222
We buy 184 015ft
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Valcambi Suisse 2.5 g gold bars available for purcase In Stock

2.5 gram Valcambi Suisse gold bar

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 103 824 ft 90 173 ft 13.15%
5+ 103 087 ft 90 173 ft 12.53%
10+ 102 351 ft 90 173 ft 11.90%
We sell 103 824 ft 90173 90173 90173 90173 90173 90173 103824 103824 103087 103087 102351 102351
We buy 90 173ft
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1g Valcambi Suisse Gold Bar In Stock

1 g Valcambi Suisse Gold Bars

We sell We buy Spread
1+ 59 378,85 ft 36 803,00 ft 38.02%
5+ 57 975,50 ft 36 803,00 ft 36.52%
10+ 56 573,42 ft 36 803,00 ft 34.95%
We sell 59 378,85 ft 36803 36803,00 36803 36803,00 36803 36803,00 59378.85 59378,85 57975.5 57975,50 56573.42 56573,42
We buy 36 803,00ft
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Złota sztabka Tavex – 1 g złota In Stock

1 gram Tavex Gold Bar

We sell We buy Spread
52 364,64 ft 34 963,00 ft 33.23%
We sell 52 364,64 ft 34963 34963,00 52364.64 52364,64
We buy 34 963,00ft
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The 50 gram gold bar is manufactured by Valcambi, Switzerland's largest precious metals foundry Out of stock

50 gram Valcambi Suisse Gold Bars

We sell We buy
1+ - 1 811 670 ft
5+ - 1 811 670 ft
10+ - 1 811 670 ft
1811670 1811670 1811670 1811670 1811670 1811670 1882192 1882192 1881272 1881272 1879431 1879431
We buy 1 811 670ft
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PAMP Fortuna is a well-known Swiss investment gold bar Out of stock

100 gram PAMP Fortuna Gold Bars

We sell We buy
1+ - 3 623 328 ft
5+ - 3 623 328 ft
10+ - 3 623 328 ft
3623328 3623328 3623328 3623328 3623328 3623328 3766214 3766214 3764373 3764373 3762532 3762532
We buy 3 623 328ft
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250 gram Valcambi Suisse cast gold bar Out of stock

250 gram Valcambi Suisse cast gold bar

We sell We buy
1+ - 9 016 932 ft
5+ - 9 016 932 ft
10+ - 9 016 932 ft
9016932 9016932 9016932 9016932 9016932 9016932 9355727 9355727 9351125 9351125 9346523 9346523
We buy 9 016 932ft
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PAMP Fortuna is a well-known Swiss investment gold bar Out of stock

50 gram PAMP Fortuna Gold Bars

We sell We buy
1+ - 1 813 510 ft
5+ - 1 813 510 ft
10+ - 1 813 510 ft
1813510 1813510 1813510 1813510 1813510 1813510 1890476 1890476 1889555 1889555 1887715 1887715
We buy 1 813 510ft
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Combibar is an Innovative product that consists of fifty minted 1 gram gold bullion bars. Out of stock

50 x 1 gram Valcambi Suisse CombiBar

We sell We buy
- 1 840 193 ft
1840193 1840193 1931893 1931893
We buy 1 840 193ft
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Obverse of 1 oz Valcambi Suisse Gold Bar Out of stock

1 oz Valcambi Suisse Gold Bars

We sell We buy
1+ - 1 125 838 ft
5+ - 1 125 838 ft
10+ - 1 125 838 ft
1125838 1125838 1125838 1125838 1125838 1125838 1177151 1177151 1176005 1176005 1174860 1174860
We buy 1 125 838ft
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1 oz PAMP gold bar with Fortuna available for purchase Out of stock

1 oz PAMP Fortuna Gold Bars

We sell We buy
1+ - 1 126 983 ft
5+ - 1 126 983 ft
10+ - 1 126 983 ft
1126983 1126983 1126983 1126983 1126983 1126983 1188601 1188601 1187456 1187456 1186311 1186311
We buy 1 126 983ft
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PAMP Multigram Fortuna 25 g Out of stock

25 x 1 g PAMP Fortuna Multigram Gold Bar

We sell We buy
1+ - 920 096 ft
5+ - 920 096 ft
920096 920096 920096 920096 1060286 1060286 1058446 1058446
We buy 920 096ft
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The 20 g mint gold bar is manufactured by Valcambi, Switzerland's largest precious metals foundry Out of stock

20 gram Valcambi Suisse Gold Bars

We sell We buy
1+ - 725 029 ft
5+ - 725 029 ft
10+ - 725 029 ft
725029 725029 725029 725029 725029 725029 761337 761337 760601 760601 759865 759865
We buy 725 029ft
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20 gram PAMP gold bars with Fortuna available for purchase Out of stock

20 gram PAMP Fortuna Gold Bars

We sell We buy
1+ - 726 501 ft
5+ - 726 501 ft
10+ - 726 501 ft
726501 726501 726501 726501 726501 726501 767228 767228 766492 766492 765755 765755
We buy 726 501ft
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5g gold bar Rabbit Out of stock

5 gram PAMP Lunar Rabbit 2023 Gold Bar

We sell We buy
1+ - 184 015 ft
5+ - 184 015 ft
10+ - 184 015 ft
184015 184015 184015 184015 184015 184015 218126 218126 216286 216286 187754 187754
We buy 184 015ft
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PAMP Fortuna is a well-known Swiss investment gold bar Out of stock

5 gram PAMP Fortuna Gold Bars

We sell We buy
1+ - 184 015 ft
5+ - 184 015 ft
10+ - 184 015 ft
184015 184015 184015 184015 184015 184015 213985 213985 204873 204873 203953 203953
We buy 184 015ft
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